Yet another thing you desperately want to be true, but just isn't, you lying shytehead.
He used something ISIS has been suggesting you lying sack of shyte.
isis claimed him.
4 other people have been arrested in conjunction.
Do spurned lover's typically have a support group? Backing?
Are you smarter than the French defense minister?
The ideologist of Daesh, Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, has for several weeks been repeating that it was necessary to attack directly, even individually, French people and Americans wherever they are and by whatever means,” said Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, using an Arabic name for the Islamic State. “Clearly, certain individuals, such as the driver of that truck, individually responded to this call for committing murder.”
You'd still be making excuses if the terrorist painted allah ackbar on the truck, wore an ISIS uniform, and carried a koran with him.
You disgusting pile of shyte.