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Totally agree that the BLM movement won't really achieve

Posted on: July 18, 2016 at 10:10:55 CT
Cosmo MU
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anything at all besides cause more chaos. That is they won't unless they have a leader who comes forward and actually puts out some kind of mission statement. That isn't going to happen. It will remain an amorphous entity with no centralized leadership, and will be remembered as a violent group that accomplished absolutely nothing.
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     I would say about 100% - catbirdseat MU - 7/18 09:39:12
          Do you think the BLM movement survives these cop - hefeweizen MU - 7/18 09:40:23
               I think BLM is - catbirdseat MU - 7/18 10:06:23
                    Totally agree that the BLM movement won't really achieve - Cosmo MU - 7/18 10:10:55
     pretty low, I would guess (nm) - TigerNuts KC - 7/18 09:32:03
     the police union has requested suspension of open carry - gmmm98 MU - 7/18 09:31:49
          That would requrie the legistator to change the law. - catbirdseat MU - 7/18 09:40:06
               I think they are calling for Kasich to call a special - hefeweizen MU - 7/18 09:41:46
                    It's a private venue, they can do what they want - TigerNuts KC - 7/18 09:46:10
                         The police union wants the whole city(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 7/18 09:46:59
                              Tigrrrr says cops are pro-gun. (nm) - Evenflow MU - 7/18 09:49:18
                                   rank and file, they are. - FootballRefugee MU - 7/18 10:05:27
                              That's a little trickier - TigerNuts KC - 7/18 09:48:00
                                   Kasich's position is that he cant just summarily suspend - hefeweizen MU - 7/18 09:51:33
                                        which is true (nm) - TigerNuts KC - 7/18 10:08:53
          i find it interesting, too - FootballRefugee MU - 7/18 09:33:33
          it's idiotic. How are concealed weapons safer than exposed - TigerNuts KC - 7/18 09:32:30
               assuming it is not political posturing - gmmm98 MU - 7/18 09:48:32
               I think the issue is to conceal carry you have to have - hefeweizen MU - 7/18 09:34:18
                    well, this goes back to the same old discussion - TigerNuts KC - 7/18 09:35:51
                         exactly right - FootballRefugee MU - 7/18 09:38:55
                         exactly(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 7/18 09:36:10
               Agree, both are equally unsafe (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 7/18 09:33:16
                    what they should do is decalre the whole country a gun free - hefeweizen MU - 7/18 09:35:27
                    I'd argue that concealed weapons are more dangerous - TigerNuts KC - 7/18 09:35:14
                         Not really, conceptually they are both equally - FIJItiger MU - 7/18 09:36:53
                              conceptually, if you ignore psychology and are talking - FootballRefugee MU - 7/18 09:39:49
                                   Apologies, wasn't meant to be confusing (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 7/18 09:41:59
                                        It wasn't confusing - FootballRefugee MU - 7/18 09:43:20
                                             Cool (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 7/18 09:44:10
                                                  the coolest - FootballRefugee MU - 7/18 09:44:39
                                                       I don't know what that means, but it seems uncool(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 7/18 09:46:30
                                                            RE: I don't know what that means, but it seems uncool(nm) - FootballRefugee MU - 7/18 09:47:41
                                                                 I don't recognize your handle, is there some backstory - FIJItiger MU - 7/18 09:48:40
                                                                      keep telling yourself that - FootballRefugee MU - 7/18 09:56:44
                              devil you know vs. the devil you don't (nm) - TigerNuts KC - 7/18 09:37:36
                              Are you in favor of gun confiscation?(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 7/18 09:37:30
                                   It would be great, but its not really practical - FIJItiger MU - 7/18 09:39:54
                                        So we agree that any rhetoric regarding gun control is - hefeweizen MU - 7/18 09:43:10
                                             Yes, I think we are way past the tipping point - FIJItiger MU - 7/18 09:45:45

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