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(must watch) Sheriff Clarke destroyed Don Lemon last night

Posted on: July 18, 2016 at 09:41:57 CT
Star Warrior STL
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11.28 yrs
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Sheriff Clarke calling it like it is. Don Lemon was caught off guard, visibly rattled, and repeatedly dodged questions. Sheriff Clarke wasn't there to buy into Lemmon's phony BLM narrative, but rather to destroy it.

Edited by Star Warrior at 09:52:21 on 07/18/16
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(must watch) Sheriff Clarke destroyed Don Lemon last night - Star Warrior STL - 7/18 09:41:57
     I saw it too, pretty embarrassing - Webbster MU - 7/18 12:15:44
     That was just a waste of time(nm) - BOILERTIGER MU - 7/18 09:57:06
          why? - Star Warrior STL - 7/18 10:06:01
               I'm guessing CNN wanted this to happen - BOILERTIGER MU - 7/18 10:24:07
                    what do you mean you're not sure what you saw? - Star Warrior STL - 7/18 10:49:50
               Lemon wanted to ignore Ferguson which isnt possible since it - TigerMatt MU - 7/18 10:14:45
                    Actually, the start was Trayvon's death. Ferguson... - Star Warrior STL - 7/18 10:18:40
                         They also needed an election. - RHAYWORTH MU - 7/18 10:30:00
     Dodged questions? Hmmm. Wouldn't that make - GA Tiger MU - 7/18 09:51:55
          Just like you (nm) - pickle MU - 7/18 09:53:50
          It was just pure entertainment. Lemon is such a fool - Star Warrior STL - 7/18 09:52:44

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