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Demarre Carroll back in Columbia

Posted on: July 18, 2016 at 09:17:59 CT
FIJItiger MU
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21.47 yrs
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Carroll is also spending Monday through Wednesday of this week in Columbia hosting another one of those camps at Tolton. He’s scheduled to do a meet-and-greet with fans at Shiloh Bar & Grill from 7-9 p.m. on Monday.

This week, he’s just looking forward to seeing some familiar faces in Columbia, though there are fewer and fewer of them with each passing year.

“It’s a different feeling, but that’s when you have to understand, you’re still part of the Mizzou family,” he said.

He is scheduled to have lunch with interim Athletic Director Wren Baker. He had been slated to meet with Mack Rhoades before news broke that he would be leaving to take the same position at Baylor.

Carroll would like to have a role, however small, with the basketball program as the most prominent NBA player from the school.

“I want to talk to the AD and really give back and get back in the community and help Mizzou become one of those elite teams like when we were there,” he said. “That’s my biggest thing. … I feel like me coming back, showing my face, kids seeing me there, recruits seeing me there, it’d probably help the recruiting process a little bit better.”

He added: “I feel like I owe it not only to myself but I owe it to Mizzou, because without Mizzou, I probably wouldn’t even be where I am right now.”
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Demarre Carroll back in Columbia - FIJItiger MU - 7/18 09:17:59
     stud (nm) - TigerFan92 MU - 7/18 17:18:10
     He wouldnt be were he was, if he wasnt a great player, but - MU-TULSA MU - 7/18 11:48:10

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