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eligibility for militia duty has nothing to do with

Posted on: July 18, 2016 at 09:15:51 CT
FootballRefugee MU
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22.31 yrs
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the right to bear arms whatsoever.

Granny has the rights, too. She isn't eligible to be in the militia. The militia is mentioned because the founding fathers understood there would need to be a defense force, and the rest of the public would need to be able to defend themselves from that force should it be turned for evil against them.

You're just as wrong as DOC here.

Edited by FootballRefugee at 09:17:02 on 07/18/16
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Blacks becoming aware of the 2nd amendment - SuperTone MU - 7/18 08:16:13
     Blacks likely the largest percentage gun owners - Spanky KU - 7/18 10:25:24
     RE: Blacks becoming aware of the 2nd amendment - sarasotatiger MU - 7/18 08:24:19
          RE: Blacks becoming aware of the 2nd amendment - CPA MU - 7/18 09:52:26
          More should be doing it.(nm) - SuperTone MU - 7/18 08:32:13
               Police just love that idea - Webbster MU - 7/18 09:12:53
                    So what?(nm) - SuperTone MU - 7/18 10:01:46
               You think that would have worked well in Turkey? - Mo Texan MU - 7/18 08:50:43
                    it should be allowed everywhere.(nm) - SuperTone MU - 7/18 10:00:29
                         Can you answer my question? BTW Turkey allows open carry - Mo Texan MU - 7/18 10:10:37
                              it would work well anywhere.(nm) - SuperTone MU - 7/18 10:51:11
                                   So the civilians shooting at the military would have been - Mo Texan MU - 7/18 12:30:53
                    Like to topple the government? (nm) - Evenflow MU - 7/18 08:58:14
                         Hard to tell, but it would have been a blood bath, - Mo Texan MU - 7/18 09:01:21
                              You may recall the American Revolution. - Evenflow MU - 7/18 09:04:50
                                   Not sure what you think the discussion is about, but my - Mo Texan MU - 7/18 09:12:48
                                        Maybe they would have joined the coup, which was - Evenflow MU - 7/18 09:17:11
                                             Turkey allows open carry with a permit. People chose not to - Mo Texan MU - 7/18 09:26:21
     Good for them. (nm) - hefeweizen MU - 7/18 08:17:43
          Unless they have a felony conviction - ummmm MU - 7/18 08:28:30
               that's correct(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 7/18 08:30:45
                    You're quite the defender of the 2nd Amendment (nm) - ummmm MU - 7/18 08:33:20
                         non sequitur. (nm) - mizzou alum 93 MU - 7/18 08:49:51
                         Dont commit crimes and your rights are safe. Pretty - hefeweizen MU - 7/18 08:35:40
                              What does "shall not be infringed" mean? (nm) - pickle MU - 7/18 08:57:27
                                   a line in a "worthless document" according to you. (nm) - mizzou alum 93 MU - 7/18 09:06:13
                                   See, you dont think anyone even commits crime so - hefeweizen MU - 7/18 09:01:04
                                        You're being stupid again (nm) - pickle MU - 7/18 09:45:24
                                             and you lose many who would be in agreement with you - hefeweizen MU - 7/18 09:49:43
                                                  How convenient - take an illogical and wrong position but bl - 90Tiger MU - 7/18 10:21:02
                                                  You aren't simply disagreeing - pickle MU - 7/18 09:54:28
                                                       No Im not. You do not recognize the state and its laws - hefeweizen MU - 7/18 09:59:41
                                                            Yes, you are. Repeatedly (nm) - pickle MU - 7/18 10:19:29
                                        But you do, which is the point of the discussion, hef. Don' - 90Tiger MU - 7/18 09:21:09
                                             RE: But you do, which is the point of the discussion, hef. Don' - FootballRefugee MU - 7/18 09:34:04
                              I don't see that caveat here: - ummmm MU - 7/18 08:37:48
                                   that's because you take a living document approach - mizzou alum 93 MU - 7/18 08:51:16
                                        eligibility for militia duty has nothing to do with - FootballRefugee MU - 7/18 09:15:51
                                             RE: eligibility for militia duty has nothing to do with - sarasotatiger MU - 7/18 09:39:39
                                                  You are entirely wrong - FootballRefugee MU - 7/18 09:44:17
                                             that must be why the word is there - mizzou alum 93 MU - 7/18 09:17:37
                                                  don't lie about what I said - FootballRefugee MU - 7/18 09:19:40
                                                       don't project. - mizzou alum 93 MU - 7/18 09:20:18
                                                            I'm simply not projecting - FootballRefugee MU - 7/18 09:21:53
                                        RE: that's because you take a living document approach - sarasotatiger MU - 7/18 09:01:58
                                   RE: I don't see that caveat here: - sarasotatiger MU - 7/18 08:40:43
                                        lol, no (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 7/18 09:21:28
                                        utterly and completely wrong - FootballRefugee MU - 7/18 09:17:27
                                             RE: utterly and completely wrong - sarasotatiger MU - 7/18 09:30:15
                                                  sure you are, cupcake - FootballRefugee MU - 7/18 10:06:24
                                        Incorrect (nm) - pickle MU - 7/18 08:57:55
                                        the people . .... - tigerfans3 MSSU - 7/18 08:49:32
                                        It isn't a militia if it is the state.(nm) - SuperTone MU - 7/18 08:42:48
                                        No, it's not - ummmm MU - 7/18 08:42:34
                                   I guess you're just gonna have to deal with it, son(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 7/18 08:38:44
                                        You would do yourself a favor to stop using the word - ummmm MU - 7/18 08:43:47
                                             no, you're just acting out again - FootballRefugee MU - 7/18 09:18:21
                                             You ok?(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 7/18 08:44:54
                                                  Sure am. (nm) - ummmm MU - 7/18 08:51:50

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