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Obama has completely failed to lead on this issue

Posted on: July 18, 2016 at 00:49:12 CT
615Tiger STL
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13.89 yrs
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Trump is not the one that has been President for the last eight years. Obama's rhetoric has caused race relations in the United States to get worse, not better.
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     RE: It's funny some blame Obama for the division/shootings - Nohawks MU - 11/12 06:34:55
     if barry had a son he'd look like the shooter - tigerfans3 MSSU - 7/18 09:09:51
          RE: if barry had a son he'd look like the shooter - CPA MU - 7/18 10:38:38
     Trump isn't spewing divisive rhetoric. - SuperTone MU - 7/18 08:11:45
     They blame the shooter in all cases except these - JayHoaxH8r MU - 7/18 08:09:25
     And he would be at fault because..........?(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 7/18 07:12:19
     BULL****...Obama has been making his dumb**** comments - Salty Dog MU - 7/18 06:57:43
     I blame George Bush and Quin Synder - MIZZOUowns SEC - 7/18 06:54:07
          RE: I blame George Bush and Quin Synder - CPA MU - 7/18 10:39:48
     "If anyone is to blame, it's Trump" - Mizzou Lou KC - 7/18 06:47:24
          RE: "If anyone is to blame, it's Trump" - sarasotatiger MU - 7/18 06:52:43
     Neither trump or Obama shot anyone - El-ahrairah STL - 7/18 05:40:39
     RE: It's funny some blame Obama for the division/shootings - BamaTiger MU - 7/18 02:32:22
          Huh? What exactly are you calling for here? - Mizzou Lou KC - 7/18 06:48:59
          White people fault for blacks shooting police? Whst kind - TigerMatt MU - 7/18 02:55:15
     Trump has nothing to do with these - Sal KC - 7/18 00:40:43
          Obama has completely failed to lead on this issue - 615Tiger STL - 7/18 00:49:12
     ^ #woke - FootballRefugee MU - 7/18 00:34:02
     How in the HeII can you blame Trump? You libs are hilarious - DHighlander KC - 7/18 00:30:26
          I'm far from a lib. But how can you blame Obama? lol - Hbombtiger STL - 7/18 00:33:15
               RE: I'm far from a lib. But how can you blame Obama? lol - CPA MU - 7/18 10:09:03
               That is their answer now - meatiger MU - 7/18 08:43:10
               I blame Obama for leading in the wrong direction on this - DHighlander KC - 7/18 01:09:45
                    RE: I blame Obama for leading in the wrong direction on this - CPA MU - 7/18 10:16:16
                    RE: I blame Obama for leading in the wrong direction on this - sarasotatiger MU - 7/18 08:57:14
                         RE: I blame Obama for leading in the wrong direction on this - CPA MU - 7/18 10:06:44
                         the whites are acting that way? - tigerfans3 MSSU - 7/18 09:12:49
                              White kids are very disrespectful. It's not just a color - BadAsh BAMA - 7/18 09:29:03
                                   RE: White kids are very disrespectful. It's not just a color - sarasotatiger MU - 7/18 09:55:25
               Nobody is taking blame away from the shooter - Sal KC - 7/18 00:44:14
     The blood of the murdered police officers is on Obama's - Fourth and Long MU - 7/18 00:16:26
          RE: The blood of the murdered police officers is on Obama's - sarasotatiger MU - 7/18 08:58:39
          That's as asinine to say as blaming the gun that shot them - Hbombtiger STL - 7/18 00:17:22
               A political extremeists - meatiger MU - 7/18 00:23:46
                    Looking in the mirror? - TigerMatt MU - 7/18 00:56:45
                         In both cases - meatiger MU - 7/18 08:42:24
     Trump isn't the one before facts came out in these - bcoop199 KC - 7/18 00:13:30
          The problems stem from last year, BUT - Hbombtiger STL - 7/18 00:20:15
     You have gone full retard. For years now Obama has been - TigerMatt MU - 7/18 00:12:19
          Police need to do a better job - Hbombtiger STL - 7/18 00:19:37
               RE: Police need to do a better job - CPA MU - 7/18 10:11:33
               what a ridiculous statement. and as the posted below noted - blake1771 KC - 7/18 07:55:13
               "I work with police often and I can tell you it's quite comm - Mizzou Lou KC - 7/18 06:56:17
               That's absolutely true that cops need to not protect cops - bcoop199 KC - 7/18 02:24:26
                    People get killed for both - JayHoaxH8r MU - 7/18 08:27:11
               RE: Police need to do a better job - meatiger MU - 7/18 00:25:10
                    What was false about my statement? - Hbombtiger STL - 7/18 00:26:35
                         In principle, I cant disagree. But what can be done to make - TigerMatt MU - 7/18 00:46:59
                              Using places that have put in successful reforms as models - Zamboni STL - 7/18 05:56:25

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