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Another idiot cop - TigerMatt - 6/10/20 10:08:38
Cops are such crybaby pussies.(nm) - TigerMatt - 6/10/20 01:10:43
Hope that cop gets shanked in prison.(nm) - TigerMatt - 6/9/20 23:46:35
Odd how people defend cop murderers.(nm) - TigerMatt - 6/9/20 18:03:14
They don't deserve murderous cops.(nm) - TigerMatt - 6/6/20 23:48:02
Cops knock another elderly man to the ground - TigerMatt - 6/5/20 19:54:54
Cops racial profile wrong guy - TigerMatt - 6/5/20 19:03:27
Cops murder people daily.(nm) - TigerMatt - 5/26/20 15:31:35
30 cops call out sick after 1 tests positive.. - TigerMatt - 3/18/20 13:23:37
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