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Ten of them. We will see what the Congress does - raskolnikov - 6/10/19 21:58:19
Yes. - raskolnikov - 6/2/19 12:04:33
MO GOP Congressman calls for impeachment - raskolnikov - 5/30/19 09:48:47
STOP. Barr has Zero bearing on this discussion - raskolnikov - 5/29/19 13:28:16
Uh not so much - raskolnikov - 5/29/19 12:12:12
Answer the question - what other prosecutors are - raskolnikov - 5/29/19 12:02:13
Is the president above the law? - raskolnikov - 5/28/19 09:47:19
Obstruction is a crime sir, a specific crime - raskolnikov - 5/8/19 11:15:54
Good for you - raskolnikov - 5/1/19 07:34:32
President Con Man ? Yes - raskolnikov - 4/18/19 19:35:32
RE: I can't tell if you are being serious... - raskolnikov - 4/17/19 08:51:32
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