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With bin laden dead the reason for war was lost - El-ahrairah - 3/15/22 18:39:04
Putin is pulling a Bush - El-ahrairah - 3/6/22 19:45:48
So you didn’t vote for Obama in 2012? - El-ahrairah - 3/6/22 08:54:47
Bush weighs in on putin - El-ahrairah - 2/28/22 05:35:06
Pat Buchanan: Putin Warned Us - El-ahrairah - 2/26/22 07:19:14
I’m not into unkempt bush(nm) - El-ahrairah - 2/22/22 15:24:32
What a joke - El-ahrairah - 2/21/22 20:50:31
Today’s left wing hates Rogan and Chappelle - El-ahrairah - 2/7/22 19:56:03
At least he beat a Bush and Clinton first(nm) - El-ahrairah - 1/6/22 16:17:54
Biden is more like Bush than Obama - El-ahrairah - 12/16/21 09:35:47
Buchanan gives us a history lesson and a warning - El-ahrairah - 12/14/21 08:04:55
Trumps greatest accomplishment - El-ahrairah - 11/8/21 07:46:30
Lol Biden spent more on the military than trump - El-ahrairah - 11/2/21 10:01:36
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