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Whatever will the Yahoos do now? - raskolnikov - 1/13/21 15:52:13
Trump is pocketing ALL of that money - raskolnikov - 12/20/20 09:08:24
For starters the same case that jailed Cohen - raskolnikov - 10/16/20 19:14:48
Be stupid all you want - raskolnikov - 10/16/20 17:50:39
ha ha ha ha ha- Try to fcking pay attention - raskolnikov - 10/15/20 07:15:31
I have proven that on this any number of times - raskolnikov - 8/11/20 20:06:24
SCOTUS not working out quite like you dreamed - raskolnikov - 7/24/20 07:09:38
The cool thing is this - raskolnikov - 7/15/20 19:53:15
LIve in the past all you want - raskolnikov - 7/10/20 07:24:24
Presidential Admins and Crime - raskolnikov - 6/28/20 10:19:12
It's a shiny new thing. There is NOTHING there - raskolnikov - 5/16/20 18:10:36
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