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man do I nail it - JG - 10/5/23 13:21:18
LOl you simpletons are just too much - JG - 10/2/23 16:52:29
LOL - JG - 9/30/23 12:45:06
You are a simpleton. - Tigrrrr! - 9/28/23 08:50:54
simpletons like you are very bad - JG - 9/21/23 12:51:57
In all honesty its not so much - JG - 9/19/23 14:32:52
Lying to congress is under oath - JayHoaxH8r - 9/19/23 11:51:10
LOL - JG - 9/17/23 13:01:58
it did take a few minutes - JG - 9/17/23 12:45:51
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