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Trade deficit soars to 63.6 billion - ivan drago - 9/3/20 08:44:10
Texas and Arizona are blue states? (Nm) - ivan drago - 9/2/20 17:02:03
Trump said it wouldn’t affect anything.. - ivan drago - 9/2/20 17:01:31
Budget deficit to reach 3.3 trillion - ivan drago - 9/2/20 16:56:31
Parsons pays 500k for zilch... - ivan drago - 9/1/20 15:45:40
Are you familiar with Occams Razor?? - ivan drago - 9/1/20 13:48:00
How stupid can you be?? - ivan drago - 9/1/20 13:19:58
Trump can hardly read.. - ivan drago - 9/1/20 10:22:40
How is he wrong? You know he’s right... - ivan drago - 8/29/20 20:11:49
He’s spot on.. - ivan drago - 8/29/20 19:50:02
Of course.. - ivan drago - 8/29/20 18:59:08
Just imagine Obama doing this.. - ivan drago - 8/27/20 21:46:16
Who employed him to watch the lot?? - ivan drago - 8/26/20 19:39:00
"What's wrong with that?" - ivan drago - MIZ45 - 8/21/20 09:43:40
"Everyone that disagrees with me is racist-A memoir" - Ragnar Danneskjold - 8/20/20 13:20:40
Yes. Never underestimate the power of racism - ivan drago - 8/20/20 13:09:58
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