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And as a DVM you know con law - mu7176grad - 7/1/24 13:15:35
It's funny as hell - Wildcat - 6/25/24 12:22:56
Slavery Re-Imposed - El-ahrairah - 6/24/24 18:35:27
Let's take a look at that shall we - raskolnikov - 6/18/24 13:45:38
As a group the Right is SO easily conned - raskolnikov - 6/18/24 12:12:27
Not what happened, but you are EASILY conned(nm) - raskolnikov - 6/17/24 13:29:07
LOL. You don't know what words mean - CulturedDan - 6/11/24 13:26:45
it's a con job, a witch hunt(er)* - tmcats - 6/11/24 11:20:12
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