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A subtle tip of the hat by his nephew - Doc James - 8/24/18 11:07:28
Wasn’t Sandbothe #42? - Doc James - 8/24/18 10:51:41
Ratliffe on facing Clarkson - FIJItiger - 8/23/18 11:36:54
RE: DJ Jeffries decommitted from UK - johndedrick - 8/2/18 19:15:16
RE: Seems low - sYsTiger - 8/1/18 11:21:48
How do the Spurs have leverage? - wu-tangtiger - 7/2/18 08:32:28
Sexton is way more ball dominant than Lonzo - wu-tangtiger - 7/2/18 08:25:36
Magic wasn’t involved with the Deng contract - wu-tangtiger - 7/2/18 08:19:11
I actually don’t like this move by James. - tjwheeler - 7/2/18 08:13:20
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