
March 1995 - July 2005

Pepper was our first bird dog, an English Setter from Frankenstein, MO.  She taught us a lot about bird dog training, hunting and life in general. Pepper lived to find quail and would hunt from dawn to dark if allowed.  She was one of those dogs who covered a lot of ground, but would always check back in - if you hadn't seen her for more than a minute or so, she was holding point somewhere on a covey of quail.  She was a great dog in the house and in the field, and will always be missed.

Jazz and Brian after his first retrieve!

Pepper pointing quail at a 
NAVHDA Training Day

Brian with a Missouri ruffed grouse taken in January of 1997.

Brian with a Missouri ruffed grouse taken over Pepper in January of 1997.

Pepper and Jazz pointing quail at 
Rocky Fork Lakes near Columbia in October 2003.

Pepper in her new kennel after the move to 32826 Lake Street in Macon in 2004.

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